What is News?

News is information about events or things which are happening. It is often written about in newspapers, magazines or on the internet. It can also be heard on radio or television. It can be a good or bad thing. People like to read News about celebrities and interesting places or events. They also like to read about crime, war, politics and business. They sometimes like to read about health problems or accidents. They might also like to read about food, fashion or sport. It is important to note that not all News is true. The truth can be difficult to tell, and often journalists do not always get all the facts straight.

People often get their News from friends and family, but it is not always accurate. This can be a problem, because it may influence what they think is important. It is important to try to find out the truth from a variety of sources and then make up your own mind.

The most important News is what happens to other people and how it affects them. For example, if someone is ill, that will affect the lives of their family and friends. A plane crash, natural disaster or other catastrophe will affect the lives of many people. This is usually very important News and will be the main focus of a news story.

Other important News is what happens to governments and political leaders. This is important because it can influence what is happening in the world. A coup or a change in government can affect many people. A politician getting a new job can influence the lives of his or her followers.

Sometimes people will hear about a scandal or an accident that has happened to someone they know. This is often very shocking and can have a big impact on the lives of those involved. It can be hard to believe but it is true that some people die because of something they have done.

There are a lot of things that happen in the world every day. Some of them are very important but others are not. It is up to journalists and other people who report News to decide what is important. They will choose which stories to tell and when to tell them.

There are some rules which help them to decide what is important. For example, they will look for the most significant events, those that involve people and those which are unusual. They will give more detail about the most important events and place them first in their bulletin or on page one of the newspaper. They will also try to avoid anything that is boring or does not interest their readers. They will also try to avoid using a lot of first person pronouns such as ‘I’ or ‘we’.